Sonic Coffee Menu price, flavors, drinks, review

Sonic Coffee Menu price, flavors 2025

Start your day with traditional Sonic coffee crafted with quality ingredients, ensuring a satisfying treat. This article covers Sonic Coffee Menu 2025 with updated prices, flavors, calories, and nutritional facts. Sonic coffee is part of the Drinks menu at Sonic, which includes soft drinks, Lemonades, Shakes, and Slushes.

With every meal, enjoy your favorite coffee flavor. Each sips For a quick, indulgent morning treat; it’s an enjoyable option. 

Sonic Coffee Size, Prices and Calories

Sonic coffee prices vary depending on location, ranging from $2.39 for Vanilla Cold Brewed to $3.79 for large size. Different flavors have different prices.  Medium size Original Cold Brew Iced Coffee costs $3.29 with 230 calories.

Try Sonic Kids Menu

ItemMediumSmallLargeRT 44
Original Cold Brew Iced Coffee$3.29 • 230 cal$2.59 • 170 cal$3.89 • 360 cal$4.59 • 500 cal
Fresh Brewed Iced Coffee$3.29 • 260 cal$2.59 • 190 cal$3.89 • 410 cal$4.59 • 570 cal
Black Coffee$2.19 • 0 cal

Sonic Coffee Menu varieties

Sonic offers different varieties of coffee with unique flavors. Each category highlights different preparation methods and flavor combinations. Here is a list of all the available coffee options.

  • Frozen Coffee
  • Sonic Drinks with Coffee (Combination)
  • Sonic Cold Coffee
  • Fresh Brewed Iced Coffee
  • Sonic Hot Coffee
  • Sonic Iced Coffee

1-Sonic Hot Coffee:

Must Try Sonic hot coffee with breakfast. It’s made with Arabica Beans. This Sonic Black coffee is full with delicious taste and caffeine. You can customize it with vanilla.

Sonic Hot Coffee flavors are listed below

  • Hazelnut
  • Vanilla
  • Caramel

Prices : ($3.19 – large)
Calories: ( Zero calories)

Sonic Hot Coffee price, calories
Sonic Hot Coffee

2- Sonic Frozen Coffee

Sonic Frozen Coffee is made is perfect option during hot summer. Different flavors are available of frozen coffee. Here is the list of Sonic frozen coffee flavors. Each coffee flavor is fantastic and give satisfying feelings with affordable price.

  • Hazelnut
  • Mocha
  • Vanilla
  • Caramel

3-Sonic Seasonal Coffee:

Sonic add new coffee items depending on the season and customers interest. They offer Pumpkin Spice Latte in fall and Peppermint Mocha in the winter. To keep customers happy sonic season menu has secret items for you. To avail these special offers keep visiting this site. 

4-Sonic Iced Coffee

Are you a coffee lover? Do you still want coffee even in the hot summer? Then you must try frozen coffee, also known as Sonic Iced Coffee. Iced coffee is served in four different sizes and has a customization option at affordable prices. 

Here is a detailed guide for Iced coffee with its updated 2025 prices, calorie count, caffeine value and nutritional facts. 

sonic French Toast Sticks cost, calories with picture
French Toast Sticks

$4.39 / 570 cal

sonic Bacon BREAKFAST TOASTER picture, prices, calories and nutritional information

$4.99 / 470 cal

Sonic Iced Coffee Sizes

These refreshing alternatives, suitable for warmer weather, are served in four different sizes except Sonic Black coffee, which is available in only one regular size. Select any size that suits your mood and taste. 

  • Small Size
  • Medium Size
  • Large Size
  • RT 44

5-Sonic Coffee Drinks Menu

Sonic offers more than 1 million different drinks combination. Mocha Latte is fan favorite flavor. Here is the list of Sonic Drinks combination with Coffee flavors. Mocha Latte is fan favorite. 

  • Oreo Frappe
  • Cookie Dough Chiller
  • Vanilla Latte
  • Caramel Latte
  • Mocha Latte
  • Cold coffee
  • Sonic French Vanilla Chocolate Twist

Sonic Iced Coffee Ingredients

Sonic Coffee Ingredients are full with delicious ingrediants with Caffeine content. This coffee is perfect for asthma patients. Sonic Coffee nutritional facts are:

IngredientHot CoffeeOriginal Cold Brew Iced CoffeeFrench Vanilla Cold Brew Iced Coffee
Protein (g)066
Carbs (g)03847
Dietary fibers (g)000
Sugar (g)02735
Fats (g)077
Saturated fats (g)04.54.5
Trans fatty acids (g)000
Cholesterol (mg)03535
Sodium (mg)0210210
Calcium (mg)0131.38131.38
Vitamin A (IU)0382.76382.76
Iron (mg)00.620.62
Vitamin C (mg)000

Customization options of coffee

Sonic Coffee is customizable. Each drink can be customized with different syrups and creamers. Here is a list of all the available options to create a unique and delicious flavor.

Add Flavor Add-Ins

  • French Vanilla   •  50 cal


  • Cream Packet 10 cal
  • Sugar Packet 0 cal
  • Sweet N Low Packet 0 cal

Iced Coffee Caffeine Content

The caffeine in iced coffee helps improve alertness, enhance mental Focus, and elevate mood by producing dopamine.

BeverageCaffeine Content (Large Size)
Hot Coffee160 mg
Original Cold Brew Iced Coffee260 mg
French Vanilla Cold Brew Iced Coffee260 mg

Sonic Coffee Review


Sonic Coffee Menu 2025 offers variety of options with delicious flavors, affordable prices, best ingrediants. iced coffee menu at nearest Sonic location is best option to try in summer.

Frequently asked questions

Yes, Sonic serve coffee all day, every day!

iced coffee prices depends on the size like $3.29 for medium size, $2.59 for small, $3.89 for large and $4.59 for RT 44 size.

Yes, Sonic also offers to serve family gatherings, or parties. They also offer catering services